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Spatial language is the language of spatial concepts and spatial relationships. Prior research has demonstrated an association between spatial language and spatial thinking in pre-school children. However, there is limited evidence exploring age-based differences in spatial language in older childhood. This cross-sectional study has three main aims. First, we present a novel spatial language measure and show differences in spatial language performance across age groups from 6 to 10 years (N = 155). Second, having demonstrated that our measure is sensitive to age-based progression, we use regression analyses to determine relations between spatial language and performance on a range of spatial tasks (r2:1.2%–9.0%). Third, we investigate the relations between spatial language and different mathematics skills (r2:0.2%–15.4%) and propose mechanisms that may explain these associations. We discuss how these findings lay a foundation for future spatial language interventions as a novel tool which may lead to educational improvements in mathematics.  相似文献   
思维的批判性是人的思维方式的一项重要品质,它在人类自由的精神生产中形成了思想文化的批判传统,并不断拓展运用领域,提升批判水平。批判性思维这一称谓涵盖了包括思维的批判性在内的众多思维品质,"评判准则+思维方式"构成了现实的批判性思维活动,不同领域的批判有各自不同的批判逻辑。批判性思维教育是训练人的思维方式、培养人的思维品质的教育。大学开展批判性思维教育,要为培养思维的批判性品质创造良好的教育环境,处理好批判性思维教育与价值观教育的关系,加强关于批判性思维的逻辑研究。  相似文献   
创新能力是人类进步与发展的原动力,是人类独有的能力,现代社会发展迅速,社会市场经济对人才的要求已经不仅仅满足于应用技术与理论知识,还要求其具有创新意识与创新能力。而对学生意识的培养的化学实验课,教学效果显著。本文结合实际教学经验,对高中化学实验课中的创新思维教学策略进行了深入探究。  相似文献   
工程思维和设计思维是新工科建设活动中的基本思维。通过对人才培养课程体系、专业知识结构体系、专业课程和跨学科课程等新工科建设活动中设计特征分析,提出在新工科课程体系建设中应重视工程思维和设计思维的融合,即"工程设计思维",体现新工科课程体系的创新性、系统性和实践性;在新工科课程教学活动中应重视对学习者工程设计思维的培养,学会用系统思考的方式,创新性的解决具体工程问题。  相似文献   
This article emphasizes the need to encourage undergraduate students to develop arguments, which involves enhancing their analytical skills and capacity for critical thinking, across disciplines regardless of level. It argues that these skills, required by the Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) benchmarks, are developed not by instruction but by engaging with the philosophic process that leads to the deep learning. This process of learning is based on a dialectical approach, viewing dialogue with colleagues, primary texts and written assignments, as central to developing an inductive argument and a critical perspective. This article proposes an analytical framework to analyze the extent to which a tutor is facilitating the development of argument. It suggests that while, if required one must provide students with explicit guidelines about this process, nevertheless this practice is problematic because of the inherent tension between explicit teaching and deep learning, which facilitates the acquisition of these analytical skills.  相似文献   
逆向思维是再现原,实现原与译量大限度等值的手段之一。本从肯定与否定的转换,主动与被动的转换,着笔角度的转换,句式的转换和视点转换等五个方面探讨了在英汉互泽中,通过逆向思维可以找到既符合译语习惯又与原语反向对应的表达方式。  相似文献   
传统的历史教学偏重于知识传授、浅层理解和简单的应用层面上开展教学活动 ,很少进入综合应用和创新性解决问题的层面。实施以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育 ,是当前教育改革的一项重要内容。在历史教学中 ,要培养学生的创新性历史思维能力 ,可采用发散创新、对比创新、辩证创新、反推创新、重组创新等多种方法 ,使学生的创新思维能力得到提高 ,学生的学习层次也将得到总体提升。  相似文献   
生理学教学中运用好形象教学 ,能增强学生形象思维 ,提高教学效果。教学实践证明重视形象思维 ,开发右脑 ,是促进生理学教学方法改革 ,提高教学质量行之有效的方法。  相似文献   
周口店地区作为中国地质大学野外教学基地, 野外教学历来受到全校师生员工的重视。本文主要从海陆变迁之沉积记录教学方面探索了沉积地层野外教学应注意的几个问题。文中指出沉积地层野外教学,应在营造良好的学习气氛中重视学生的地质思维培养和野外工作方法训练, 让学生初步具备分析、解决问题的能力。  相似文献   
本文认为要从和谐社会建设的角度进一步审视我国的高等职业教育发展现状与问题,提出告别贴牌、打造品牌,还原属性、形成体系,面向基层、通向农村,发展重心、重在落实等策略性思考。  相似文献   
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